New USPTO Director Calls for “New Narrative” About Patents

Since being unanimously confirmed by the Senate as the most recent director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Andrei Iancu has called for increased reliability and predictability in the patent system. Notably, Director Iancu has spoken often since taking office about changing the conversation about patents. Speaking before the American Bar Association Intellectual Property [...]

2018-05-10T17:08:23-05:00April 25, 2018|Patent|

Valuing A Design – Apple vs Samsung Design Patent Fight Heads Back To Trial In May

Apple and Samsung have been locked in a legal battle over various design patents related to the iPhone since 2011. After nearly six years and a trip all the way to the Supreme Court and back, in May of this year the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California may finally decide how [...]

2018-05-03T13:27:45-05:00April 25, 2018|Patent|

Copyrights Can Protect Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Oracle and Google have been fighting over Google’s use of JAVA API packages in Google’s Android operating system for the last seven years in a case that has bounced back and forth between the Northern District of California, Federal Circuit, and Supreme Court. In a blow to Google, the Federal Circuit recently overturned a jury [...]

2018-04-10T16:36:04-05:00April 10, 2018|Court Opinion|

Patent Examiner’s Can’t Ignore Claim Limitations

The U.S. Patent Office’s Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) recently reversed an Examiner’s obviousness rejections in part because the Examiner improperly ignored a claim limitation. A common examination practice in the U.S. is for Examiners to treat one or more claim limitations as merely recitations of “intended use” that do not impact the patentability [...]

2018-04-03T15:34:44-05:00April 3, 2018|Court Decisions, Patent|
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